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Proven Science.
New Technology.

The physiological patterns of ADHD treatment are well known. Iluria offers the first solution for detecting and analyzing these patterns to analyze overall physiological impact

Illuminating the patterns

A successful ADHD management process requires continuous monitoring, as the patterns changes overtime. Multiple physiological vitals, such as heart rate and movement patterns, have already been clinically associated with ADHD. Illuminating these hidden patterns is our mission.
infographic showing colorful line charts on a blue background

How does our
solution work

We utilize such changes in physiology to provide insights on the focus and activity levels. This is done by retrieving physiological vitals using commercial level wearable devices. Then, by using machine learning engine algorithms, we identify physiological patterns to apply in-depth analysis which captures the personal patterns.
infographic of a dots chart on a blue background

Better monitoring
and calibrations

In addition to the current standard of care for ADHD monitoring, the manual questionnaires, Iluria's solution provides a layer of objective analysis with respect to the overall physiological patterns.

This analysis does not intend to replace the consoltation with phycisions, but to provide a monitoring tool, at home, during the day to better manage ADHD.

Redefining how ADHD is monitored

We concluded a clinical trial with Clalit Health Services in Israel. The goal of such trial was to see whether our proprietary machine learning algorithms can analyse changes in physiological vitals to provide objective monitoring outputs. We validated our mathematical concept with great results, high accuracy level and low p-value.

Scientific papers
& publications

The results of our clinical trial with Clalit Health Services were
presented in the 2021 Israeli Clinical Pediatric Society Annual
convention earlier this year.
Read our synposys
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Movement (accelerometer)

While being treated with methylphenidate, children with ADHD showed reduced motor activity in structured situations
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Angular movement (gyro)

Both linear and rotational movement during a continuous performance test (a forced concentration task) provides an objective diagnosis tool for ADHD
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Heart Rate

Stimulant exposure was associated with higher heart rate
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Heart Rate Variability

Heart rate variability provide important insights into sustained attention impairments observed in ADHD
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Galvanic Skin Response

Children with ADHD without methylphenidate treatment were characterized by reduced baseline GSR and overall reduced GSRs

Our Patnerships

Become our partner

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for children with ADHD and their parents using accurate and effortless analysis
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